Happy Monday! Yes, we are a wee bit behind because of the way the calender fell but it is the first Monday of September and that means another new challenge for you at Without Words!
You lot obviously don't get your five-a-day of fruit and veg! We were low on numbers in August but a HUGE thanks to those who did enter, really high standard of entries, which will make the choices even more difficult.
I have a feeling that this month's theme will have you all running for the hills. When you get there, can you send the Word Birds back to me please?
Yes, we want your makes for that difficult species, the men (or boys)
Perhaps a super prize from our super sponsor might make you feel happier

Despite their moans and protests, the Birds have done wonders, as always
We are absolutely chuffed to bits to have a very special Guest Designer with us this month too. This lady produces some amazing artwork so it is a delight to have her with us and her brilliant For The Boys inspiration piece
Thank you Christina, love this little chap!
Never let it be said that we don't provide you with enough inspiration!
That just leaves us with one thing to do, and that's rummage around in the veggie patch to find our Winner and Top 3
The Winner is

I make no apologies for choosing Andrea's card - it is perfect CAS, with beautiful colourwork
and it simply made me snort laughing. Thanks hun.
Please contact me, Squirrel, to claim your Bunny Zoe's voucher
and our brilliant Top 3 are

Well done everyone, you've made me feel really peckish now!
Right, that's us done, so it is over to you, so go and get craftiing
Hugs to all
Squirrel & The Word Birds